Writing every day in January

I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to this, but my aim is to write every single day this month, even if it’s only for 20 minutes or less. I’ve been inspired by this article that suggests making a realistic New Year’s resolution regarding writing – to write for 20 minutes a day every day in January or less if you can’t manage it.

I think it’s such a fantastic idea and I’ll explain why. In recent years I’ve been writing more and more, particularly in the past year or so since I’ve joined Twitter, started a WordPress blog and have been in contact with, and even met some, other writers.

But I still struggle to write every day. I’m not an especially busy person, so in many ways I have it really good and there’s not much excuse not to write. I find that life takes over, working, walking the dog and looking after him, housework etc. And as I was saying to my husband today, as much as I enjoy writing it’s work – it is hard work and it’s not always easy as I’ve been finding lately as I work on my current WIP. I don’t know if you guys ever feel like that about it, but that’s how it is for me.

Having said that, I love it and I have more and more incentives to keep writing, not least all my online writer friends. You keep me going and I really appreciate it! And as I said that’s inspired me to write more.

So far in these first few days of January I’ve managed to write every day, although not for that long each time. But I should add that in recent months on a number of occasions I’ve managed over 1000 words in one day, which is good for me, so it’s not like I’m constantly slacking!

What are your thoughts on writing every day? Do you struggle to do it or is it something that comes naturally? I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

11 thoughts on “Writing every day in January

  1. I have tried it before, but if I set that as my goal, I start feeling guilty when it doesn’t happen. Sometimes I’ll get on roll and write 2500 words in an evening, sometimes I can’t even write 100, so I tend to set aside a couple of nights a week as my real “writing nights” and then anything else I get is a bonus.


    1. I understand your logic! I tend to be a bit like you but I’m hoping I can do this and write a little bit each day. Yesterday I didn’t have time for writing on my laptop so I started planning a new story which was really fun. Yay!! 🙂


  2. I struggle! Great idea to plan to write for 20 minutes a day – 20 minutes often gets me stuck in for longer 🙂


    1. I know what you mean – I often struggle too. And I should add that I forgot say another thing that article mentioned which is by writing, it could be anything like planning (which I did yesterday) or editing or anything writing related. 🙂


  3. I think aiming to write for 20 minutes a day is a great idea and when you think about it it should be completely manageable – what’s 20 minutes in a day after all? Good luck with it – hope you’ve managed to stick to it so far.

    I guess I do tend to write something everyday but it’s not necessarily on my WIP and that’s what I need to concentrate on this year – time allowing of course!


    1. Hi Kate. Yes I have managed to stick to it so far but I’ve included planning my next story as writing as well. We went to Swindon and got a new (well new to us) car on Saturday and when we got back I was tired so started planning instead.

      Tonight I’ve managed to do a bit of ‘proper’ writing so I’m happy! 🙂


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