Working hard or hardly working


As the title would suggest it’s been a bit of both for me lately. Last week I spent a few consecutive days while I was on holiday with hubby and doggy in Wales working on my previous WIP which I’m revising and hoping to publish soon. I was able to make a lot of progress and I felt really good about it.

It was great to be sitting in the lovely kitchen of the converted coach house being able to work away without being distracted by the internet (which I couldn’t get a very good connection of) or our dog (who was very tired most of the time having worn himself out on lots of walks and by barking at the farmyard animals – we were staying on a farm). Or much else for that matter. I also managed to read a lot – I finished one book and read most of another which is generally unheard of for me. One of the books was about Jane Austen who I absolutely ADORE! So I was happy. πŸ™‚

Then. Then came the return home and for most of this week apart from working in the office and socialising (a little) I was doing washing and housework. I devoted very little of my time to my writing and consequently felt guilty about it as I always do when I don’t work on it! So came today. I made a decision. I didn’t have enough time for my writing for the earlier part of the week so today I thought ‘That’s it! I’m going to make time for writing.’ I started later than I was originally going to but that didn’t matter – I still managed to work for over an hour and while that may not sound much to you I felt I achieved quite a lot so I’m happy! So there! πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I feel I’m progressing quite well with my revision of my story ‘The Inheritance’ and I do hope to publish at least before the end of the year! To coin an overused phrase there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel and I can see that I’m improving on the original MS as I go along with my revisions.

And that is all I have to say for now. It’s Friday evening, I’ve had a busy week, so I’m going to wrap it up there.

PS. Am reading yet another fab book on Jane Austen – this time about her novels called: ‘What matters in Jane Austen?’

Catch you later!

2 thoughts on “Working hard or hardly working

  1. I’m so glad the revisions on The Inheritance are progressing well. Your holiday in Wales sounds blissful lots of walks and time to read… makes me realise how much I could do with a holiday…


    1. Thanks Kate. Yes it is great to get away. Hopefully you’ll be able to do that soon. Until then maybe WIPpet Wednesday and Thursday’s Children will help to keep you going!! πŸ™‚


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