A brief WIPpet Wednesday

Hi all.

This is going to have to be quick as I haven’t got a huge amount of time today. But I hope you’re all well and not too stressed out by the pre-Christmas rush.

My WIPpet this week is a tease (again!). I’m sharing 21 words from chapter 12 of my work in progress.  My maths works like this: 18 for the 18th + 2 + 1 (from 2013) = 21 I’ll let you figure out the rest!!

The scene I’m sharing is from Reunion and it follows directly on from last week’s.  Anna is trying not to think about her experience with Will a week ago.

Anyway she should try and forget about Will and think about Peter instead.  He was coming down to see her tomorrow.

I’m guessing we’re not doing WIPpet Wednesday next week seeing as it’ll be Christmas Day.  Yay!  (for Christmas Day, not because I don’t want to connect with you guys via WIPpet Wednesday!!)  I hope you all have a wonderful time.

To be a part of WIPpet Wednesday just post on your blog an excerpt of whatever you’re working on writing-wise. Just make sure it relates in some way to the date. Then add your name to this linky.  Thanks goes to K. L. Schwengel for hosting.

All that’s left to say is Merry Christmas to you all!! And I just realised that this is my 100th post on my blog!! So yay for that too. 😀

23 thoughts on “A brief WIPpet Wednesday

  1. Well, happy 100th post!!! I’d cue the flying monkeys but they won’t be back until after New Year’s. Spending time in Oz for the holidays and all that. Guess they still have family back there. Nice little excerpt. Emphasis on ‘little’. Dang it.


    1. Thank you. When I first read your reply I didn’t read it properly and I read ‘…something, something Oz’ and assumed for a moment you were going to Australia for Christmas lol. Yes my excerpt was short but I hope sweet!!


  2. A brief but perfectly formed WIPpet! Congratulations on your 100th post – I’ve just checked mine and what’s really weird is that today’s WIPpet was my 100th post too and I hadn’t even realised! 🙂


  3. Umm, is THAT all we get?

    No WIPpets next week week? Oh, but I was so looking forward to making my birthday post (yes and no… yes, it will be my birthday, yes, I love seeing the WIPpet posts, but I would never feel right expecting people to shift their holidays just for a blog group)…. Enjoy the day.

    I do wonder, are we also skipping New Year’s though?


    1. I’m planning on doing a Christmas WIPpet although I’m going to write it in advance and just post it on the 25th. And yey to it being your birthday post next week! 🙂


      1. Thanks. Good to know I won’t be the only one posting (I realized I have to post… I’m not great at building habits, so if I miss a week, I’m likely to keep missing posts).

        See you then!


    2. Yes that’s all you get so don’t be greedy!! Only kidding 😉 Glad you want to know more. I suppose in theory I could write my WIPpet on Christmas Eve then post it that evening. I normally post it on the Tuesday evening anyway… Is anyone planning to do it next week? Kathi??


      1. I think we’re all taking various tactics for dealing with the holidays. Several people are posting, several aren’t. Do what works best for you, Elaine. We’ll be glad to see you when we do, whichever you choose.


  4. Oh – short and still filled with emotional conflict. Well done!

    I am definitely posting – already planned to give Eden some Henry and Tisira as a birthday gift! Now it won’t be a surprise, but still.

    I love this brief little post, and I want more.


    1. Thanks so much Shanjeniah. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas. I’m not sure whether I’ll post or not – I could post early on Christmas Eve… See how I feel.


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