Others – Thursday’s Children


Well I was trying to be clever just now and get this text I’m writing now to wrap around the Thursday’s Children image, but I couldn’t figure it out so I’ll leave it for later. Any tips on a not-too-difficult way of doing this (cos I’m getting really fed up with not being able to do it!!) would be much appreciated!

Anyway my post title doesn’t refer to the film The Others, wonderful though it is, but to other people. I checked back in my previous Thursday’s Children posts and I have touched on this subject a little, but I thought I’d consider it again in a slightly different way. So here goes.

The fact is I’m really insprired by you. Yes you – my fellow Thursday’s Children bloghoppers (don’t know if that’s all one word or not, don’t care!). It’s great that you’re all so open about your work and what inspires you and your writing. I love reading about the way that music inspires a lot of you, for example and the way many of you have certain music that you associate with your characters. I wish I could say the same. I don’t always give enough detail of my characters’ preferences for things like music or books.

Others of you are inpsired by the beauty of nature and how peaceful it makes you feel, like E M Castellan writing about Kew Gardens. I’ve read some wonderful blog posts by Rhiann Wynn-Nolet about how lovely handwriting and the sheer pain and effort of ballet dancers inspires her to write. Raewyn Hewitt wrote beautifully a while ago about working away from home in the middle of nowhere. It was so interesting and evocative. I felt I was there with her.

It makes me consider my writing in a different way. Have I captured the essence of what I’ve been inspired by in my writing? Do I pay attention to detail, do I paint a picture in my stories of people and places? I definitely can’t say I’ve worked as hard at my writing as ballerinas and other dances work at honing their craft. But I feel I’m gradually improving as a writer. I’m working harder at my writing than ever before and much of that is down to you guys being so encouraging and giving me the incentive to carry on chipping away at the unfinished creation that is my WIP.

So for me other writers i.e. you – your sharing of what inspires you, your hopes and fears for your work, your descriptions of good times and bad times with your writing – do inspire me so much. You make me feel I’m not alone in my writing journey. I’m sharing it with you and millions of other writers whose work I’ve yet to discover.

If you would like to join in Thursday’s Children, just blog about whatever inspires your writing. Then add your name to this linky and you can check out all the other wonderful Thursday’s Children blog posts. Thanks to Rhiann Wynn-Nolet and Kristina Perez for hosting.

13 thoughts on “Others – Thursday’s Children

  1. I couldn’t agree with you more about other writers and their writing (particularly the Thursday’s Children bloghoppers and our fellow WIPpeteers) being an inspiration. It really does make you think about your own writing, how you can improve and what other techniques and ways of bringing scenes and characters to life there are such as what music to listen to while writing or even what soundtrack to give each character.


    1. Thanks for that Kate. Unfortunately I find I can’t concentrate properly on my writing whilst listening to music – or at least I can write OK but I can’t focus when reading what I’ve written back to myself. Music is definitely important though in storytelling.


  2. Can we make you the Thursday’s Children poster child? Really, it makes me SO happy when people get something out of TC, whether it’s inspiration, or support, or a laugh (I’ve gotten all these things). Then I really feel TC is fulfilling its promise and I get the “proud parent” choked up moment. Excuse me while I grab a tissue… πŸ™‚


    1. Ah I made you cry! That wasn’t my intention lol but I’m glad I moved you! Oh yes would love to be the Thursday’s Children poster child hee hee. And yes TC definitely is fulfilling its promise – we’re all inspiring each other. πŸ™‚


  3. I know. I think it’s lovely though now that as writers we’re not so isolated – or at least we can choose not to be. We’re a real community I think. πŸ™‚


  4. This is a wonderful post. I don’t know what I’d do without my writer friends to keep me (relatively) sane in times of insanity, and inspire me to be a better writer. We are truly lucky to have the internet to connect us, far and wide.


  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jeannette. Good to hear from you. Glad it struck a chord with you. You’re right about the internet. I don’t know what I’d do without it.


  6. You said it with eloquence and grace, Elaine. We inspire each other. I personally cannot think of a since writer I’ve met that I didn’t find some kind of inspiration from. For that matter, there are darned few people that I haven’t been able to draw upon for inspiration.

    It makes for a wonderful world.


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